105th anniversary of the creation of Armed Forces/ Rama and Meta congratulatory messages
The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta and Prime Minister Edi Rama congratulated the Armed Forces on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the creation.
In a message published by the Presidency office, Meta recalls that the Armed Forces were created only days after the declaration of Independence of the Albanian State.
“Dear Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania, 105 years ago, just days after the declaration of the Independence of the Albanian State, our Armed Forces were created. On the occasion of this important anniversary, as President of the Republic of Albania and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I have the special honor to convey to you all the feelings of my highest consideration for your dedication and sacrifices in the service of our homeland and our national interests”.
The Armed Forces were also congratulated by Prime Minister Edi Rama, among other things, for their role in coping with the recent flooding situation in the country.
“On this day marking the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Albanian Armed Forces, we congratulate them with gratitude for everything they have done, always and even in these days and nights of great experiments, girls and boys, women and men who have given glory to the patriotic mission of our army”,
Prime Minister Edi Rama wrote in social networks./tvklan.al