Albanian to be official language in Macedonia
Albanian will be official language in Macedonia according to a new agreement reached by a Macedonian and an Albanian party to form the new governing coalition, Macedonian media says.
The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (VMRO-DPMNE) reached an agreement to form the new government with Albanian ethnic party Democratic Union for Integration (BDI), the main request of which was for the Albanian to be declared second official language of Macedonia, Macedonian media reported.
According to the new agreement Albanian language will be used in all levels of Macedonian administration.
Klan Kosova reported that the new agreement on ruling coalition is awaited to be declared Sunday night, before the Gruevski’s mandate to form the new government expires.
BDI requests eight high ranked posts, including the post of Parliament Speaker and Interior Ministry.
VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikolla Gruevski, who governed Macedonia as PM from 2006 to 2016, won 51 seats in Macedonian Parliament (120 seats in total) on general elections held in December 2016. He needs the 10 seats won by BDI to from the new government. /