Basha: Opposition’s action in parliament to be escalated

Basha: Opposition’s action in parliament to be escalated

18:06 09/10/2017

Democrats warn of escalating parliamentary action by seeking the return of the plenary session of questions to ministers and the prime minister. The Parliamentary Group decision comes after the tensions that accompanied the Thursday session and the exclusion of Lulzim Basha for breaking the Assembly’s regulation.

“We will intensify our parliamentary activity, restoring a practice in line with the rule that is the practice of asking questions to put Edi Rama and his ministers in charge.”

On Thursday, Democrats will return to the debate about the election, before the Electoral Reform Commission is set up.

“Without resetting the election institution Albanian people will never have a government which works for them. Edi Rama brought gangs, crime, drug and drug money to power. The foundation of this evil is a government that does not come from elections, without adjusting this foundation nothing else will go well in our common house that is Albania.”

As Prime Minister Rama announced the opening to the public every weekend of the Park of the Brigade Palace, Basha accused him as the sole responsible for the alarming state of the crime, which he said is holding hostage to the opening of negotiations with the European Union./

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