Prosecution requires MP Tahiri’s arrest and mandate removal
Serious Crimes Prosecution has required the mandate removal of Saimir Tahiri, following an investigations initiated over the drugs trafficking.
The prosecution’s request aims to clear the path to Tahiri’s arrest on grounds of alleged ties with the drugs smuggling from Albania to Italy.
The Serious Crimes Prosecution is conducting investigations in collaboration with Italian authorities for a criminal group that has trafficked large quantities of narcotic cannabis sativa from Albania to Italy.
Based on the data obtained in the framework of this investigation, the Serious Crimes Prosecution requests from the Mandate Committee on the Assembly of Albania the issuing of the authorization for
“arrest, personal and apartment’s inspection”
for the Socialist MP Saimir Tahiri. This claim comes after the involvement of Saimir Tahiri in the “Habilaj” file, where the MP is allegedly involved in drug trafficking./