Opposition chief accuses PM Rama of ties with drug cultivation
Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha has directly accused Prime Minister Edi Rama for drug cultivation and trafficking in Albania.
During his speech in Parliament, Basha compared Albania with Afghanistan and Edi Rama with the Talibans.
“Prime Minister Rama is the main promoter of cannabis cultivation in Albania. His regime, along with that of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan is the main supplier of Europe with large quantities of drugs”
, Basha said.
He also stated that from two years there are no foreign investments in Albania, due to the organized crime and the total absence of law in the country.
“It’s no coincidence that Albania is the largest drug producer in Europe, and the poorest country. It is the only country in the world where for two years no foreign investments have been made. Cannabis cultivation is seen as the only alternative for the country to improve its economy”
, DP leader Lulzim Basha said./tvklan.al