The Ad Hoc Subcommittee for HCP to be set up on Thursday
The Laws Commission has paved the way for the establishment of one of the most important judicial reform institutions, the High Council of Prosecutors. Although the Democrats abstained the voting of the regulation for the five-member Ad Hoc Subcommittee that would make the assessment of candidates from non-judiciary lawyers, the parties have already submitted in the Assembly the names of the deputies who will attend it.
The majority will be represented by the Socialists Ulsi Manja, Klotilda Bushka and Bledi Çuçi, while the opposition from the Democrat Oerd Bylykbashi and Nasipi Naço from the SMI ranks.
The subcommittee it is expected to be set up on Thursday and will evaluate the candidates which have met the legal criteria according to the report drafted by the Secretary General of the Assembly.
15 candidates which meet the legal criteria will be scrutinized by the Ad Hoc Sub-Commission, 7 of them from the advocacy school, 5 from the staff of the professors and 3 from the civil society. The list of candidates will then be sent to the assembly that it is supposed to approve it by 2/3 of the votes within 10 days./tvklan.al