Tahiri’s issue/Investigation’s deadline prolonged
The Prosecution for Serious Crimes will investigate for another 3 months the former Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri. The deadline prolongation comes as a result of the Prosecution’s request.
According to the indictment, some other investigative actions involving persons’ inquiries or the evidences administration are to be conducted.
Tahiri’s issue is being investigated along with the “Habilaj file” and that of Orest Sota.
In the next days, the prosecution is expected to summon some former police officers to provide clarifications on this issue.
As the court extended the investigation deadline for this file, Sergeant Prosecution Chief Besim Hajdarmataj, who sought the arrest of former Minister Tahiri, is supported by the Chief Prosecutor, Arta Marku, to investigate any issue of any level, against crime and corruption.
During a meeting held between them in the General Prosecutor’s Office, Marku has demanded that the Prosecution of Serious Crimes firmly continue the work and investigations initiated.
The Prosecution for Serious Crimes Office is investigating several officials and former state officials suspected of involvement in various corrupt affairs or links with the organized crime.
Former Minister Tahiri, is charged of allegedly being part of a structured criminal group aiming drug trafficking and corruption of senior officials./tvklan.al