Tahiri issue, Assembly approves the Inquiry Committee
The Parliament has approved the establishment of the Inquiry Committee for the former Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri.
The list of 11 members was approved on Thursday. The Inquiry Committee was demanded by the opposition to verify the legality of the acts of the Assembly and government and the effects of these two powers’ interference in the investigation of former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri.
Enkelejd Alibeaj, Flamur Noka, Edi Paloka and Myslym Murrizi from the DP, Endrit Brahimllari from SMI and Xhemal Qefalia, Bashkim Fino, Ermonela Felaj, Klotilda Ferhati, Pjerin Ndreu and Paulin Sterkaj from the SP will also verify the role of the Ministry Justice in Extradition to Italy of Nazer Seiti, known as the “accountant” of Habilaj clan.
The committee will be headed by Edi Paloka, while Ermonela Felaj is appointed deputy chairwoman./tvklan.al