Rama: New partnership level with Greece

Rama: New partnership level with Greece

16:40 11/07/2018

Prime Minister Rama confirmed in an interview for the Greek state agency “ANA”, where he talked about the fruitful meeting he had with his Greek counterpart, Alexis Tsipras, in London, in which the talks on resolving the disputes between Albania and Greece are taking place. The two countries have long been discussing issues of the past, but also renegotiating the maritime border agreement, for which the prime minister says they are going to get resolved.

“As you know, we are facing a difficult process, but absolutely necessary to resolve issues between us, Albania and Greece. The most important thing is that we use these problems not only to resolve them, but also to transform the solution to a new level of partnership and cooperation”.

According to the Albanian Prime Minister, it is time for the two countries to overcome the divisions of the past through a natural process of dialogue and cooperation.

“The two countries have had relationships for seventy years, which are characterized by a more and more natural connection between people. It is very natural and in some way through resolution we will reach the level of ordinary people, the average citizens who have already overcome the past and are embraced with each other”.

Greek media echoed the meeting of the two prime ministers in London and the will to sign an agreement soon to resolve some of the problems related to the Albanian property in Greece, the maritime border and the rights of the Greek minority in Albania. The engagement of the two country’s political leaders to resolve the remaining pledge issues was also hailed by Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn./tvklan.al 

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