Ticket prices increased during August

Ticket prices increased during August

16:45 15/08/2018

Prices to travel from Rinas airport towards European destinations have increased by at least 20% compared to July by all airlines.

If for July, round trip tickets ranged from 200 Euros to then 500 or 700 Euro, in mid-August, the main destinations have a price of 300 Euros to 800 or 1000 Euros.

To fly to Italy, the country and the highest number of flights from Tirana, the tickets cost at least 300 Euros. The most expensive are departures from Tirana airport. A Tirana – Milan ticket on 25 and 26 August costs over 200 Euros, and to return to Tirana the average prices are 60 Euros.

To travel in cities as Paris, London, Berlin or Barcelona, ​​prices start from 500 Euros. Although during the summer season the ticket prices are always increased, Albania continues to remain on the list of major countries with the highest prices. Even for low cost airlines, prices are the same as other flight companies, as besides the increase in profits from airlines; the Rinas concessionaire sets tariffs 2 to 3 times higher than similar airports region.

Travelers from Tirana this year not only paid more for flying but also faced with the biggest delays. In a recent Eurocontrol report, delays in the first six months for flights from Albania have doubled, while 47,000 hours of waiting on the passengers are counted./tvklan.al 

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