DP-SP collisions on HCP and HCJ list
The majority and the opposition have been involved in debates at the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the list of members for the High Council of Judiciary and that Prosecutors, which will be voted by the parliament.
At the start of the meeting, opposition representatives demanded that part of the filter of this commission to be all candidates, regardless of whether they are on the list of the qualified or not.
But this proposal was dismissed by the majority with the argument that the Constitution and the law allow this commission only to add candidates from the disqualified list, but not to drop the list that according to the report of the Secretary of the Assembly have met the legal criteria.
The opposition described the process as politically corrupted. But the chairman of this sub-Commission Ulsi Manja said that in this case the Constitution has determined the unblocking mechanism, which is the selection by lot of candidates./tvklan.al