Dyshuan se i përdhunoi vajzën, prindërit i djegin organin gjenital 17-vjeçarit

Pic shows: Ibrahim at the Specialist Hospital, Sokoto. A couple have been arrested after burning the penis of a teen they suspected of raping their four-year-old daughter. Atiku Yahaya and Farida Hamza paid a group of young men to abduct 17-year-old Ahmad Ibrahim after they suspected him of the rape of their daughter Hannan, say police. The couple burnt the lad’s penis, leaving a scarred groin seen in the photo taken later in hospital. They then beat him and locked him in their toilet at their home in the city of Sokoto in Sokoto state, north-western Nigeria. Nigeria’s Security and Civil Defence Corps arrested the couple shortly afterwards. Corps commandant Babangida Abdullahi said that Ahmad was responding well to treatment at a specialist hospital in Sokoto and that the couple who tortured him were soon due in court. Ahmad has denied committing the rape and his father Ibrahim Abdullahi - also Hannan’s uncle - has called for a harsh punishment for his attackers. He alleges one of the suspects threatened to kill him, which they later denied to media. He said: "This is like a family affair as my son always took her and two others to and from school." It is not known whether police are investigating the rape allegation against Ahmad. (ends)

Dyshuan se i përdhunoi vajzën, prindërit i djegin organin gjenital 17-vjeçarit

21:35 31/03/2017

Dy prindër janë arrestuar sepse dhunuan dhe i dogjën organin gjenital një 17- vjeçari, pasi dyshonin se i kishte përdhunuar vajzën.

Atiku Yahaya dhe Farida Hamza thuhet se kanë paguar një grup të rinjsh për të rrëmbyer 17-vjeçarin Ahmed Ibrahim, pasi ata dyshonin se ai kishte abuzuar seksualisht me vajzën e tyre 4 vjeçe, tha policia.

Mësohet se pas rrëmbimit 17- vjeçari është rrahur dhe mbyllur në tualetin e shtëpisë së çiftit dhe më pas ata i kanë djegur organin gjenital.

Ngjarja ka ndodhur në qytetin Sokoto, në Nigeri.

Ahmad ka mohuar se ka përdhunuar vogëlushen, por prindërit e saj këmbëngulin se mbi vajzën e tyre është abuzuar seksualisht dhe kërkojnë dënim maksimal nga gjykata.

Ndërkohë që Atiku Yahaya dhe Farida Hamza janë duke vuajtur dënimin për rrëmbim personi dhe ushtrim dhune./tvklan.al

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