E pabesueshme! Vogëlushi i mbijeton 5 infarkteve

Ten month-old Lennox Smith is watched over by his family from County Durham. Mum Laura, Dad Jordan and his two brothers Riley and Cole. Lennox who suffers from serious heart defects, has spent all of his ten months of life in the intensive care unit at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. 29/6/16 by Paul Vicente / The Sunday Post

E pabesueshme! Vogëlushi i mbijeton 5 infarkteve

18:33 03/07/2016

Lennox Smith është padyshim vogëlushi më luftëtar në botë!

Ai ka lindur me një defekt të rëndë kardiak, për shkak të së cilit, kur ishte vetë 12 ditësh pësoi goditje në zemër.

Sot 10 muajsh, i vogli ka kaluar 5 infarkte, por pavarësisht kësaj, ai ia ka dalë të mbijetojë dhe vijon të luftojë çdo ditë.

Siç shkruan “The Sun”, Lennox ka lindur me sindromën e njohur Hypoplastic, një defekt në lindje, për shkak të së cili pjesa e majtë e zemrës nuk zhvillohet.

FROM JOHN JEFFAY AT CASCADE NEWS LTD 0161 660 8087 / 07771 957773 john@cascadenews.co.uk / www.cascadenews.co.uk Syndicated for Sunday Post Ten month-old Lennox Smith is watched over by his family from County Durham. Mum Laura, Dad Jordan and his two brothers Riley and Cole. Lennox who suffers from serious heart defects, has spent all of his ten months of life in the intensive care unit at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. 29/6/16 LITTLE fighter Lennox Knight has survived FIVE heart attacks since he was born 10 months ago. The tot ¿ named after former heavyweight boxing champ Lennox Lewis ¿ was born with a serious cardiac defect, leaving the left side of his heart severely underdeveloped. He suffered his first cardiac arrest when he was just 12 days old. But mum Laura Knight, 21, says Lennox emerges smiling each time he suffers a setback. "He has won battles which would have floored most adults. He's my inspirational little fighter."

Nëna e tij, Laura Knight, nga Durham të Anglisë, thotë se pavarësisht të gjitha këtyre vështirësive, i vogli i saj është një hero i vërtetë dhe ka fituar beteja që mund të kishin hedhur përtokë një të rritur.

Familja e vogëlushit ka marrë mbështetjen e fondacionit "The Sick Children's Trust's" për të mbledhur donacione në ndihmë të Lennox./tvklan.al

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