Fëmija lind me bisht

Fëmija lind me bisht

11:59 21/05/2016

Një foshnje në Kinë ka lindur më një bisht 15 cm. Por tashmë ai ka shpëtuar duke e hequr me një ndërhyrje kirurgjikale. Fëmija 11-muajsh i quajtur Yang Yang konsiderohet një nga rastet më të rralla me këtë defekt lindjeje.

Familja e tij i kishte vënë nofkën “pak majmun”. Mësohet se bishti i fëmijës është zhvilluar që në embrion si rezultat i një problemi me tubin nervor të shtyllës kurrizore.

Pic shows: Yang Yang¿s growth before it was removed.nnDoctors in China have removed a 15-centimetre (5.91-inch) "tail" from a baby boy which grew as part of a deformity during his mother¿s pregnancy.nnThe family of the child who had been nicknamed "little monkey" by his relatives, waited almost a year before finally deciding to have the surgery.nnYang Yang, who is now 11 months old, was born with the tail-like growth identified as a neural tube deformity - a phenomenon with a 2 to 3 percent chance of occurring, which usually forms during the third month of pregnancy.nnYang Yang¿s mother said that the family noticed the growth as soon as the child was born in Junlian County of Yibin, a city in south-western China¿s Sichuan Province, but they decided to avoid surgery if at all possible.nnThe mum, unnamed in reports, said: "It wasn¿t a big bother in the beginning - I¿d just lift the ¿tail¿ when I needed to change his nappies."nnBut several months later Yang Yang started developing odd symptoms such as irregular bowel movements and a weakness in his legs, the mum said.nnThe family then decided to have the growth surgically removed at Southwest Hospital in the neighbouring city of Chongqing.nnLin Jiangkai, lead physician in Yang Yang¿s operation, said the growth was most probably due to the child¿s mother not taking enough folic acid supplements - also referred to as vitamin M or vitamin Bc - during pregnancy.nnThe tail was removed during a successful surgery, with Lin noting that the child could have had developmental problems in his lower limbs if the family had waited any longer.nn(ends)n

Atij i janë zbuluar disa vrima në rruazat e shpinës, duke krijuar dhe rritjen e një mase mishi të ngjashme me një bisht kafshe.

Nëna e Yang Yang ka thënë se gjatë kontrolleve periodike gjatë shtatzënisë, mjekët nuk e kishin informuar për ndonjë problem të tille. Bishti i fëmijës më në fund është hequr./


Të ngjashme