Former Parliament Speaker strong accusations against DP leader
Former Vice President of the Democratic Party Jozefina Topalli has made strong accusations against the current head of the blue headquarters Lulzim Basha. In an interview for ABC News, Topalli says Basha has ruined the Democratic Party by turning it into the property of his family and his brother-in-law.
“Basha has dismissed all the Democrats in the party and replaced them with businessmen and his brother-in-law.”
Lulzim Basha is twice guilty of Gramoz Ruçi’s election at the helm of the assembly.
“Ruci was the ninth on the list. If Basha didn’t sell the elections Ruçi would not only be a president, but he would not be a MP either. The sale of three votes from the Basha list is a shame and a stain created by Basha.”
Topalli sees Basha as the only responsible for the profound defeat of Democrats in 25th June elections. /