Former PM Berisha strong accusations against Rama
Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha has made strong accusations addressing Prime Minister Edi Rama. After accusations made by Greece regarding the seizure of 1.6 tons of drugs that the people of Prime Minister Rama are connected to this traffic, Berisha said that these are the ones who hide behind the head of government, where was also his brother, Olsi Rama.
News from Greece suggests that it’s not only Tahiri, but close people of Edi Rama. Who are they? Gramoz Ruci, I have no information for him. The other is Agaçi, the godfather linking Ndragheten to the government. The third is Olsi Rama.
Klement Balili was proclaimed by Balkan’s Eskobar as a cannabis cocaine trafficker. Olsi Rama with his criminal group in Boston is the lead author of cocaine.
According to Berisha, even though the opposition has done a lot to stop the narco-state, it has been impossible, as Edi Rama does not stop./tvklan.al