Hahn with Macedonian political leaders: EU has no coalition preference
The EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement negotiations Johannes Hahn siad Thursday EU has no coalition preference in Macedonia.
Hahn, who is holding an official visit in Macedonia to participate the Western Balkans Ministerial, met also with Macedonian Party leaders.
“Party talks in Skopje: EU has no coalition preference. Leaders must respect election result, work on that basis.” Hahn tweeted.
He said Macedonia “needs solid, broad-based government to tackle EU, rule of law and regional challenges. No time to waste!”
Macedonia held the general elections in December last year.
Former Prime Minister Nikolla Gruevski, whose party came first in elections failed to form the governing coalition and the President authorized LSDM’s Zaev to make an effort. It remain to bee seen if Zaev will satisfy Albanian Parties’s request to form the new government or whether the country will head fresh general elections. /tvklan.al