Infektohet nga virusi modelja

Infektohet nga virusi modelja

18:23 01/04/2020

Modelja e Victoria’s Secret, Alexina Graham u shtrua në spital pasi gjendja e saj shëndetësore u komplikua së tepërmi, si pasojë e infektimit nga virusi.

Modelja britanike përmes një postimi në Instagram sqaroi fansat në lidhje me gjendjen e saj, por gjithashtu falenderoi motrën e saj për përkujdesjen e treguar.

“Unë isha e frikësuar, kisha dhimbje dhe nuk dija se çfarë më priste, por ti u kujdese për mua, më mbajte, fshive lotët e mi dhe ke qenë aty gjatë secilit hap. Kur nuk mund të ishe me mua në spital, ishe në telefon. Familja, miku më i mirë dhe infermierja ime në shtëpi. Të dua”.

Më tej, modelja bëri të ditur se gjendja e saj është përmirësuar dhe ndjehet më mirë çdo ditë që kalon.

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Little Sister looks after Big Sister ❤️ Thank you Sister!! I was scared, I was in pain and I didn’t know what was to come but you took care of me, you held me, you wiped away my tears and you have been there through each step. When you couldn’t be with me in hospital you were there on the phone. Family, best friend and my nurse at home. Love you 💕 Day 5 and I’m getting stronger and feeling better daily 🙌🏼. Thank you to the people who sent kind messages, love and good vibes 💗 It really meant the world to me and lifted my spirits💋 Some People are still not taking this seriously. I see on the news there are still gatherings going on and even house party’s!!Please stay home in isolation alone or with who you live with only!! It’s scary -I was throwing up and on the toilet at the same time multiple times through the first day, the fever appeared and then when It broke I got severe chills, i was light headed, I lost shortness of breath, I lost the ability to be able to speak properly in full sentences,my lungs just wouldn’t let me, my chest was tight, I wasn’t able to get in and out of a bath alone, i needed help to get in and out of bed and even eating became painful!! Please take this seriously and please stay home. Love to you all out there ❤️ Stay safe everyone 🌎 💋 💋 (the first photo was taken when we had already started self isolation at home, my first symptoms started but I thought I had food poisoning only) #keepsafe #stayhome #lookaftereachother #lookafteryourself Big Thankyou to our health hero’s, Thankyou to the NHS and Thankyou to Key workers in this crazy time 💗

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“Dita 5 dhe unë jam duke u forcuar dhe ndjehem më mirë çdo ditë. Faleminderit njerëzve që dërguan mesazhe të dashura dhe dashuri”./

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