Kolumbi, firmoset marrëveshja historike e paqes me rebelët

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos (L at centre) and the leader of the FARC, Rodrigo Londono (R at centre)-- better known by his nom de guerre, Timoleon "Timochenko" Jimenez congratulate each other signing the historic peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), in Cartagena, Colombia, on September 26, 2016 The Colombian government and the leftist FARC rebel force signed a historic peace accord to end a half-century conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands of people. Santos and "Timochenko" Jimenez, signed the deal at a ceremony in the Caribbean city of Cartagena, prompting loud cheers from the crowd which included numerous international dignitaries. / AFP / Luis ACOSTA (Photo credit should read LUIS ACOSTA/AFP/Getty Images)

Kolumbi, firmoset marrëveshja historike e paqes me rebelët

15:39 27/09/2016

Qeveria kolumbiane dhe Forcat e Armatosura për Revolucionin e Kolumbisë firmosën marrëveshjen historike që i jep fund konfliktit gjysmë-shekullor që shkaktoi mbi 260 mijë viktima.

Në ceremoninë në qytetin e Cartagenas, ishin veshur të gjithë me të bardha në shenjë paqeje.

Të pranishëm ishin disa liderë botërorë, mes të cilëve edhe Sekretari i përgjithshëm i OKB-së Ban Ki Moon.

Tv Klan

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