Kotzias: Maritime agreement, we want expansion to 12 miles

Kotzias: Maritime agreement, we want expansion to 12 miles

17:05 28/06/2018

Greek top diplomat Nikos Kotzias reveals that in talks being conducted with Albania on the maritime pact, Greece is interested in extending its territorial sea to 12 miles. In a radio interview, Kotzias explains that the maritime border will depend on how the islands near Corfu will be treated.

“We are interested in the impact of the Corfu Islands, especially the Otonoi Island. The basis for determining the territorial maritime space will be 12 miles and for the first time Greece will expand its territorial coastal waters. “

During the interview, Kotzias also spoke of the threats he has received from opponents of talks with Albania and the agreement with Macedonia on the name issue./tvklan.al 

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