Meta calls for concrete steps for Justice Reform implementation
According to the President of the Republic, Ilir Meta, the delay in the constitution of the new organs that will govern the judicial system it’s alarming. He specifies the establishment of the High Judicial Council, whose absence, according to him, has a negative chain effect throughout the system.
Ilir Meta:
“The failure of this council to delay the resolution of the issues raised in completing the judicial body or the territorial redistribution of resources, including the administrative court”.
Meta calls on politics to take concrete steps to implement Justice Reform.
Ilir Meta:
“I would like to call on all political forces, the Assembly, Civil Society and all actors of the judicial system involved in this process, as quickly and transparently as possible,for active and concrete actions under the Constitution of the country”.
According to Meta any further delay in this regard is detrimental to the public interest, the courts, the justice reform and the expectations of Albanian citizens./tvklan.al