Opposition’s protest/ US Embassy warns American citizens in Albania
The US Embassy today announced today an informative notice to US citizens about the opposition protest that will take place on Saturday in the capital. In a statement posted on the Embassy’s official website, the latter calls on US citizens to avoid the area where the protest will
take place.
“A demonstration is expected to take place on January 27, 2018, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The group intends to protest against the Albanian government. U.S. Embassy personnel and family members are directed to avoid these locations while the protests take place”.
The Embassy advises American citizens to avoid the area of the “Dëshmorët e Kombit” boulevard, Skanderbeg Square and Mother Teresa.
“Avoid Boulevard Deshmoret e Kombit, Skanderbeg Square, and Mother Theresa Square, be aware of your surroundings, monitor local media for updates, and keep a low profile”,
are some of the warnings that US Embassy has made for its citizens./tvklan.al