Pandeli Majko under the threat of Iran’s secret agents

Pandeli Majko under the threat of Iran’s secret agents

13:02 10/08/2018

The Minister for Diaspora, Pandeli Majko revealed that he has been informed by US officials that he needs to increase his security after intelligence of a threat against him.

Fox News reports that Americans have told him to increase security after the intelligence agencies have found a threat against Iran coming from the support they have given to the Mujahideen and their cause.

“Former Albanian Prime Minister Pandeli Majko told Fox News that US officials had said he needed to increase security as intelligence had seized a threat against him. He said Iran’s strategy in the region was “unprecedented”,

and told Fox News

“I’m not afraid”.

Contacted by Tv Klan, the minister chose not to comment. In an article titled “Iran plans terror on European soil, while the EU tries to protect the regime from postponing Trump sanctions”, it is said there are concerns about the presence of the Iranian regime in Albania. The dissidents say Tehran has sent senior intelligence officials to Tirana.

Albania has been focused because it has sheltered more than 2,000 mujahedin displaced from Iraq in 2016.

A senior US counter terrorism official has confirmed Fox News that Albanian authorities arrested two Iranians on charges of terrorism earlier this year.

Alleged terrorist threats are only made to increase pressure on the EU, to abandon its opposition to sanctions, and to put pressure on Iran to change the regime, the American television network reads./ 

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