Kur ish e dashura nuk harron, i djeg fytyrën me acid

Pic shows: Acid attack victim, Iniubong Ime. A man disfigured in an acid attack says he forgives his ex-girlfriend for inflicting the injuries on him. Nigerian Iniubong Ime, 24, says he was attacked by his 20-year-old ex-girlfriend Lucy Daniel earlier this month at an undisclosed location in Nigeria. But despite his agonising injuries, and the years of operations and therapy that lie ahead, he says he has forgiven her and holds no bitterness towards her. He told a Nigerian newspaper: "We dated for around a year and I discovered she is a troublesome person. She was causing trouble between me and my mother, my siblings and my friends, she caused trouble between me and everyone close to me, and succeeded in driving people away from me. "So I decided to quit. She initially left but later started coming back, pleading that I should accommodate her, and that she wasn’t working and didn’t have anywhere to stay. Rather than accommodate her, I got her a job and also rented an apartment for her. "I pleaded with her to understand that we could no longer date. That was last year. She relaxed for a while then this year, she started coming around again. "She would come at ungodly hours, so I told her that I didn’t welcome such visits and whenever she came around I would send her back. "Even when she wasn’t coming around, she was always monitoring my movements and I knew it. But I didn’t bother about it because I had nothing to do with her any more. "On Monday, 6th March I went to bed early but was woken up by a sound outside my door at about midnight. When I woke up I saw that my window net had been torn and I decided to find out who was at the door. "When I opened the door, I saw it was Lucy, and before I could say anything she splashed the acid on me and ran away. "I was in serious pain, and the burns on my body are severe. The only thing I could do at that point was to rush to a bucket of water which I usually kept in my room and poured it on myself with t

Kur ish e dashura nuk harron, i djeg fytyrën me acid

19:22 31/03/2017

Një 24-vjeçar është sulmuar me acid në fytyrë nga ish-e dashura e tij, por nuk do ta besoni që ai… e fali.

Iniubong Ime nga Nigeria kishte vendosur të flinte herët, por një zë e zgjoi nga gjumi.

Pasi u zgjua dhe po kontrollonte në banesë  dhe pa se ajo ishte grabitur, tentoi të dilte tek dera por u përball me ish të dashurën, e cila i hodhi acid në fytyrë.  

Lucy Daniel ka pasur probleme me nënën dhe vëllëzërit e Ime dhe kjo ka qenë arsyeja pse ata kanë vendosur të ndahen.

Më ndahu nga të gjithë njerëzit e mi të familjes dhe e lashë. Ajo fillimisht u largua, por më vonë filloj të më ndjekë nga pas, duke u lutur që unë të riktheheshim, por unë nuk pranoja

”, ka thënë Ime.

Edhe pse 24- vjeccari përjetoi dhimbje dhe plagë të tmerrshme, ai ka vendosur ta falë ish të dashurën dhe nuk mban aspak inat ndaj saj./tvklan.al


Të ngjashme