Police Vetting, false information leads to exclusion
Police employees, which during the appraisal process known as Vetting, will provide false statements or information; will be excluded from the ranks of blue uniforms. This is foreseen in Article 60 of the Vetting Draft Law on Police, prepared by the Ministry of Interior.
Exclusions from the police are also foreseen in other cases including: concealment of property, lack of legal entitlement to property that will automatically result in the exclusion of any employee from the police.
Disclosure of links or contacts considered inappropriate to people involved in organized crime will render impossible the continuation of duty for a police officer. They are required to undergo testing for addiction to drugs, alcohol and gambling.
Any refusals to carry out additional tests might bring the dismissal of the police officers from their duty.
But just as in the case of judges and prosecutors, police officers who do not want to undergo Vetting are free to resign.
According to the draft, they should leave no later than 30 days after the law comes into force. In this case all the resigned, will have the opportunity to be treated with a transitional salary.
But all those police officers who will pass Vetting’s first phase will not close it. This is because the transitional provisions provide for similar audits and assessments that can be made periodically. However, the draft law is still in the stage of discussion and is now under consideration by various institutions./tvklan.al