PPP program, IMF offers their assistance to the Albanian government
The International Monetary Fund provides assistance to the Albanian government in public-private partnership investment programs. A high fund delegation arrived in Tirana to hold two meetings, one with Finance Minister Arben Ahmetaj and one with Governor of the Bank of Albania, Gent Sejko. IMF Executive Director Tao Zhang said the Albanian government’s program with the fund has been successful, and urged the country to pursue reforms.
“Implementation capacities are very important for PPP and the IMF is ready to work with the Albanian government in support of private sector engagement and potential risk control”.
Minister Arben Ahmetaj said the government will continue the reforms. Water sector formalization and reduction of administrative bureaucracies are already being worked out.
“We have launched a new water sector reform while we are continuing to deepen the reform in the business climate, now deregulating and digitizing entrepreneurial services and citizens, saving them time and money”.
Governor Sejko has presented to the IMF Vice President the measures taken by the Albanian Bank to curb the economy, while the fund appreciated the new rules as necessary to strengthen financial stability. Tao Zhang told the governor that now Albania needs to start taking important reforms in strengthening the institutions and good governance of the country./tvklan.al