Prime Minister Rama presents the governmental program
This Monday was launched the plenary session under the direction of the new speaker Gramoz Ruçi. The main point of this session was the presentation of the new government and its program for the next 4 years by Prime Minister Edi Rama.
The head of the government began his speech with a congratulary message to the new parliament speaker Ruçi while expressing the full confidence that electing him for this post was the right choice.
Premier promised that the future government will work to developing dialogue with the opposition.
“I wish that the opposition colleagues have also received and understood this lesson.”
Further, Prime Minister said that the future of children is a priority and all that the real winners of the elections are children.
Rama promised financial support from the state for families with three or more children. Also, Rama promised support and salary increases for teachers as well.
“Teachers should feel not only government support, but all of us here. Salaries for teachers will increase again during this mandate, “
the premier said.
Prime Minister Rama also spoke about economic growth, judicial reform implementation and the European integration. He highlighted that the performance of the Public Administration will be improved and there will be huge investments on education and health.
Another important issue is the EU integration. Rama said that the government is committed to start the opening of the negotiations with EU as soon as possible./