Remand in prison for judge accused of corruption
The Serious Crimes Court imposed a ‘prison arrest’ security measure on the Judge of Appeal in Tirana , Shkëlqim Miri .
The lawyer also pointed out that some of the money belongs to the judge’s family, while the rest belonged to another family member.
According to lawyer Visha, the judge was also diagnosed with brain tumor at the end of May and should have a surgical interventions. For this reason, the amount of money found is supposed to be used for his treatment.
“The considerable amount is relative. This judge has been working for 25 years and has earned this money by his job as a judge. At the end of May, Shkëlqim Miri was diagnosed with brain tumor. Money could be used for his treatment”,
his lawyer said.
At the hearing held closed, the prosecution demanded “imprisonment” for Miri, who is accused of active and passive corruption.
Judge Miri was detained two days ago and is accused of taking a bribe to change the indictment for a person who has committed a double murder. During the check in his apartment were found about 33 milliard ALL.
The 46-year-old denied all the charges, while 2 other people were accused of being involved in this affair./tvklan.al