The procedure for HCJ and HCP candidates to be resumed on Monday
Following the dismissal of the two lists for members of the High Council of Prosecutors and High Council of Judges, by the Assembly, the ad hoc committee will resume on Monday the procedure for the selection of 10 new candidates in these two new justice institutions.
For their approval, the Assembly needed at least 93 votes, but the lack of consensus from the opposition caused the candidatures to collapse, moving the process to zero.
The Constitution stipulates that the Assembly must resume the procedure from the front to the ad-hoc sub-committee, to select a new list from civil society proposals, advocacy and pedagogical ranks.
This procedure it is supposed to be done no more than twice, and if the list is not approved for the third time, its candidates are considered elected by the parliament.
But Monday’s meeting is not expected to bring surprises, as the opposition has made it clear its position, considering the process of electing candidates politically corrupt.
Even at a statement from the blue headquarters at least five of the candidates who were selected by lot in the first round and again will be part of the sub-commission procedure, according to the opposition are in violation of the legal criteria and recommendations of the International Operation monitoring. Consequently, the second list is expected to have the same fate in the Assembly as a result of the vote against from the opposition./tvklan.al