Tirana marathon, municipality appeals for participation
On October 15, Tirana will host for the second consecutive year “Half-Marathon”, the largest sports event ever held in Albania. But, given the massiveness of an international sporting event, the Municipality of Tirana has taken a number of measures to ensure the success of the Marathon and the safety of runners.
When there are still a few days left by the Marathon, the Municipality of Tirana finds the opportunity to urge any enthusiastic citizen after the race to register at www.maratonaetiranes.al and become part of the race in one of the categories in which will develop marathons. The deadline for registration in Marathon is 08.10.2017, so anyone who has not been registered so far must hurry to apply and start training as soon as possible.
To turn this sporting competition into a holiday, the Municipality of Tirana invites all non-competing citizens of Tirana, to come out on 15 October and to support the participating athletes. Meanwhile, everyone who is already registered will be able to withdraw the beep on 13 and 14 October from 09:00 to 20:00 at Mother Teresa Square.
Half of the Marathon of Tirana takes place in 3 categories: 21 km attended by professional athletes; 10 km attended by amateur racers and “We too”, competitions for people with different abilities./tvklan.al