Xhafaj: Organized crime has no future in Albania!
Minister of Internal Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj gave a clear message during presentation of the “Power of Law” raid:
“Organized crime can not and will have no future in Albania”.
He said Rama government is determined to do everything to destroy its criminal networks, and their economic power.
“We today make our way and announce the beginning of a multi-frontal, intensive and uncompromising war on organized criminal structures, their assets and their servants, with the will to make our country a hostile place for anyone who thinks he can enriched at the expense of others and violating the laws of the state”.
Xhafaj’s statements followed US Ambassador to Tirana, Donald Lu’s declarations, saying international partners expect results in the fight against organized crime.
“No one is above the law. In Albanian you say big fish eats small fish. For a single time in Albania, let’s eat the big fish,”
said the US ambassador./tvklan.al